The Slow Introduction Alternating Between Long And Short Notes Followed By A Fast Section. At bar 17 the key of C major is established as the violins play a lively sextuplet scalic melody. Short pattern of notes repeated.

An overture common in French Baroque opera usually consisting of a slow introduction with dotted rhythms followed by a fast section frequently employing imitation. This slow introduction then leads into alternating fast and slow sections. Thought and Fast and Slow We think of ourselves as the executive in control of our minds and bodies.
Expression A significant challenge in this work is the contrast from slow and sustained introduction and the very upbeat fast section.
And d being the descending four note fall following thatThe rise of a fifth between b and c gives link back to the slow intro where it does the same in the first two bars the appoggiatura in c also links back to the many seen in the. At bar 17 the key of C major is established as the violins play a lively sextuplet scalic melody. In both the second movement is a scherzo played predominantly pizzicato plucked followed by an introspective slow movement and both have a central theme which appears in all four movements in various states of transformation. Its sense of gravity comes from the use of dissonant diminished chords chro-matic lines and a pedal on the domi-nant a low E that takes up about the final two thirds of the introduction.